Request to Allow Email Reception

For those who contact us or apply through various forms on this site, we will send a follow-up email from "" after confirming the details. However, due to security settings or spam filters, there may be instances where the email does not arrive correctly.

Due to the settings that prevent the email from being delivered to the sender, you will not be aware of any undelivered messages unless you contact us again.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience, but we kindly ask you to remove the following domain from your spam settings or to allow it in your email preferences so that you can receive our emails.

The following are the setup instructions, but please note that information may be updated periodically. For the latest setup instructions, please contact your email software provider or mobile carrier, or check the relevant website.

If you are using Gmail

  1. Log in to Gmail, then click the gear icon in the upper right corner to go to "Settings."
  2. Next, click on 'Filters and Blocked Addresses' and then click on 'Create a New Filter.'
  3. Enter [ ] in From and click on "Create Filter."
  4. Check 'Do not mark as spam' and then click 'Create Filter' at the end.

If you are using Yahoo Mail

  1. Log in to Yahoo Mail and go to the mail settings from the gear icon in the upper right corner or by selecting 'Settings'.
  2. Click on "Reject Spoofed Emails" in the left menu and check the box for "Enable Spoofed Email Rejection."
  3. Please enter [ ] in the "Rescue Email Address/Domain" field and click "Register."

If you are using Hotmail or Outlook

  1. Log in to, then select "Mail" from the gear icon or "Settings" in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. Please click on "Safe List for Senders or Recipients" under the "Block or Allow" options.
  3. Please enter [ ] in the text box that says "Enter sender or domain here," click "Add," and then save.

If you are using a mobile carrier email