Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The Japan Intercultural Intelligence (hereinafter referred to as "our association") complies with laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information and other relevant standards. We operate with the utmost care to protect personal information, ensuring that everyone can use our services with confidence.

Acquisition of Personal Information

Our association will publicly announce or notify the purpose of use when acquiring personal information, and will obtain it through lawful and fair means within the scope necessary to achieve that purpose. The personal information we collect includes the information provided by service users and any personal information obtained by us (including information contained in audio, images, and videos).

Retention Period for Personal Information

Our association will promptly delete personal information when the legally mandated retention period has expired, or when it is no longer necessary for the purposes outlined in the "Purpose of Use of Personal Information" below.

Purpose of Personal Information Use

The personal information obtained by our association will be used only to the extent necessary for the performance of our business, within the scope of the purposes indicated at the time of collection (including use that is reasonably related to those purposes) and the purposes outlined below.
① For administrative communications regarding the services provided by our association
② To improve the quality of the services provided by our association
③ For announcements, notifications, and other promotional activities related to each service's events and programs.
④ For requests related to volunteer activities and administrative communications regarding those activities
⑤ For requests for cooperation regarding surveys, media interviews, activity reports, etc.
⑥ For use in public relations activities as a record of our association's past achievements
7. For communication regarding donation requests, responses to inquiries, and other administrative correspondence
8. For fact-checking and investigation in case of troubles, etc.
9. For related tasks associated with the above items

Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

We manage personal information appropriately and do not disclose it to third parties except in the following cases.

  • With the individual's consent
  • In accordance with the law
  • When it is particularly necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of healthy development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the individual's consent.
  • In the event that a request is made by a public agency to our association and the operators of this site, and obtaining the individual's consent may hinder the execution of the relevant duties.
  • In cases where it is particularly necessary to protect the life, body, or property of users of our services and employees of our association, and obtaining the individual's consent is difficult.

Measures for the Safe Management of Personal Information

Our association takes necessary and appropriate measures to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of personal information, manage it securely, and prevent loss, alteration, or leakage of personal information as outlined below.

(1) Formulation of Basic Policy
To ensure the proper handling of personal information, we will establish a basic policy regarding the name of the personal information handling business, compliance with relevant laws and guidelines, safety management measures, and contact points for inquiries and complaints.
(2) Establishment of Regulations for Handling Personal Information
To prevent the leakage of personal information and ensure its safe management, our association will establish personal information management regulations and develop specific guidelines for handling personal information.
(3) Organizational Safety Management Measures
We will establish an organizational management system, including the appointment of a person responsible for managing personal information and the development of internal regulations.
(4) Human Safety Management Measures
When handling personal information by employees, we will implement ongoing personal information protection measures to ensure the safe management of personal data, along with appropriate supervision of employees.
(5) Physical Security Management Measures
We implement various measures to prevent the theft of personal information, protect against damage to personal information due to fire or lightning, and ensure security during the removal, transportation, and storage of systems and documents, including locking mechanisms.
(6) Technical Safety Management Measures
We implement access management measures such as authentication, authorization, control, and logging when accessing personal information, as well as countermeasures against malware and viruses, encryption, and clarification of responsibilities during transfer and transmission. Additionally, we take measures for monitoring information systems.

Handling of Anonymized Processed Information

1. Our association will process personal information in accordance with the standards set forth by the Personal Information Protection Act and the regulations of the Personal Information Protection Commission when creating anonymized processed information (as defined by the Personal Information Protection Act, hereinafter the same).
2. When our association creates anonymized processed information, we will take measures for safe management to prevent the leakage of descriptions and personal identification codes that have been removed from the personal information used to create the anonymized processed information, as well as information regarding the methods of processing conducted in accordance with the provisions of the previous section (limited to information that can be used to restore the relevant personal information).
3. When our association creates anonymized processed information, we will promptly publish the items of personal information contained in that anonymized processed information through the internet or other appropriate means.
4. When our association provides anonymized processed information (including information created by our association and information received from third parties, unless otherwise specified), we will publicly announce the categories of personal information included in the anonymized processed information and the method of its provision in advance. We will also clearly indicate to the third party that the information being provided is anonymized processed information.
5. Our association will not engage in the following actions for the purpose of identifying individuals related to the personal information used to create anonymized processed information.
(1) Matching anonymized processed information with other data
(2) To obtain information regarding the descriptions removed from the personal data, personal identification codes, or the methods of processing conducted in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act for the anonymized data provided by a third party.
6. Our association will take necessary and appropriate measures for the safe management of anonymized processed information, address complaints related to the creation and other handling of anonymized processed information, and ensure proper handling of such information. We will also strive to publicly disclose the details of these measures.

Supervision of Contractors Handling Personal Information

Our association may outsource all or part of the handling of personal information to third parties as necessary to achieve the purposes outlined above. In such cases, we will select individuals or entities that are recognized as capable of properly handling personal information in light of the safety management measures at the outsourcing party. We will appropriately stipulate matters related to safety management, confidentiality, conditions for subcontracting, and other handling of personal information in the outsourcing contract, monitor the handling of personal information at the outsourcing party, and implement necessary and appropriate supervision.

Disclosure, Correction, Addition, Deletion, and Suspension of Use of Personal Information

If you wish to request the disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, or suspension of use of your personal information, or if you have any other inquiries or concerns, please contact our association's office using the information below. We will promptly respond after verifying your identity.

Japan Intercultural Intelligence Secretariat
Contact Us Form:

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All rights related to the content published on this site belong to our association and the creators. This is not intended to infringe on the rights of any third parties. If there are any issues with the content of the articles or the images published, please contact the respective rights holders directly via email. We will address the matter after verification. We do not take any responsibility for the information or services provided on other sites that you may access through links or banners from this site. While we strive to provide accurate information regarding the content and information on this site, there may be instances of misinformation or outdated information. Please understand that we cannot be held liable for any damages arising from the content published on this site.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

This site complies with applicable Japanese laws regarding personal information and will review and improve this policy as necessary. The most recent revised privacy policy will always be disclosed on our organization's homepage.

Revised on July 13, 2022